Integrating Scar Tissue with Scarwork Therapy

Sharon Wheeler

What is Scarwork?

Sharon Wheeler, a Rolfing student of Dr. Ida Rolf’s, developed Scarwork therapy in her Rolfing practice. She found that it was necessary to integrate scars into the fascial web in order for her clients to achieve the most optimum structure and function through her Rolfing work.

Many different types of scars can benefit; from surgical to natural to burns. The work is gentle and even short sessions can produce profound change. Sometimes we don’t realize how much a scar is impacting us until it’s had some work.

Perhaps you’ll be surprised too.

Scarwork can be a stand alone session working on one or more scars or it can be integrated into any Rolfing Structural Integration session or the 10 series.

Pacemaker removal scar , 4 months post surgery

My Experience Receiving Scarwork

 I had some bone removed from my left hip for a bone graft in my mouth doing some reconstructive dental work preparing for implants. This surgery was 30 years ago.

I saw a Structural Integrationist who also was trained in scarwork. She noticed that my left hip had a pattern that might be improved with some scarwork. In the session she did some gentle work for maybe 15 to 20 minutes to my hip along with some other SI work.

I felt great after the session and wanted to go for an extended walk. My walk was cut short as I experienced stabbing pain in my hip. I was concerned and did what one does for self care after bodywork. The next day I was still in pain just walking. I reached out to the practitioner about this and she said it might be the integration process and to give it a couple days. If it didn’t get better to contact her.

It started to improve but still was not comfortable. Over the next week I really paid attention to my pelvis and hips in walking. It seemed a new movement was becoming apparent. There was a moment walking on a trail, where all of a sudden there was a major shift, almost like a clunk which surprised me. I walked a little slowly and noticed that my pelvis was really open and my hips were moving in that 3D figure 8 movement that I’m always trying to help my clients achieve.

Aparently, the old pattern of my hip mobility, which was restricted by the scar, over time integrating the work with walking allowed this new range of motion to occur. It was SO liberating. I started training for a 1/2 marathon after that and got up to 10 miles in training which was remarkable for me.

This is what can happen with a 30 year old scar! I’m excited to see what opportunity we can create together with any scars you might present.

close up of Shannon's scar

Even an unassuming scar like mine shown here, can have profound impacts deep in the body.

Two veins of river joining to one

Working with scars is like speaking a different language in the world of connective tissue. Scar tissue work uses a casual, light touch – a little reminiscent of working with bread dough.


Scarwork Sessions

60 minutes


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